Saturday, July 13, 2013

Downtown Indy Goes London

??? Yes, they're Keeping The Public Safe By Peeping: we've got a zillion (approx.) new surveillance cameras downtown, just in time for Indiana Black Expo -- er, the City says "No offense meant, folks; after all, it's for your own safety!"? Yeah.

???? 'Scuse me if I seem skeptical.? This strikes me as one step back from riding around in a squad car with the windows rolled up and the A/C and two-way radio both going full blast: now police can be even more removed from where bad things are happening, staring at a wall of monitors from a comfy chair!

???? As for safety during Black Expo, I have more faith in the barely-mentioned foot patrolpersons and the Ten Point Coalition, the latter being a group of concerned adults armed with little more than high-visibility vests and the determination to keep things calm.

???? It's impossible to control violent persons or render aid to their victims by watching it happen on TV.? It's a lot better to -- yes, I'll say it -- "nip the problem in the bud."? Just 'cos Barney Fife said doesn't mean it's wrong.


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